A miniature poodle was mauled to death in front of its elderly owner by a Japanese Akita. Rita Harrison said she heard people scream after her dog Mitzi ran on to Costello Playing Fields in Hull.
Seconds later she saw the Akita "ripping the dog to shreds" and she shouted for help. Rita, 81, said the dog's owner, who has not been traced, simply said: "Sorry about that, love". He then walked off after giving a false address.
Rita, whose house in St Joseph's Drive backs on to the field, said: "It was horrible to see the dog biting Mitzi's neck and all the way down her body to her tail. I ran over and put my cardigan over the Akita and someone grabbed it by the scruff of its neck.
"A chap nearby carried Mitzi into my conservatory but I was told she was already dead. My family came round to see me and I was really upset.
"If there hadn't have been people nearby, I don't know what we'd have done in that situation. People said they saw the owner with a lot of leads and harnesses, so I can't understand why the dog was running free. It could have hurt a young child out on the field."
Rita said her beloved white fluffy dog ran out of her back gate and on to the playing fields to greet a friend on Saturday at about noon. Her pet was on the grass a matter of minutes when she was attacked.
Her friend tried to pull the Akita off Mitzi, who was bleeding profusely after being mauled. The owner came up some time after the attack and gave those helping out a false address.
"I screamed at him, 'you've killed my dog', but he didn't say anything and he just walked off," Rita said. "Mitzi was just my little friend and never left my side.
"I got her after my husband Leslie died. She turned four last week – I loved her company."
The poodle was taken to the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals in Brunswick Avenue in Hull where she was cremated.
Rita's grandson Matthew Harrison, 26, said: "I was annoyed and quite upset because Mitzi was the only company my grandma had when we were all at work. I just hope the man is found and he realises what his dog has done."
Police were called to see Rita but when they visited the man's address, they found he did not live there.
A spokesman for Humberside Police said: "Neighbourhood police officers are now in touch with the owner of the poodle – which sadly died as a result of the reported attack – to try to locate the owner of the Akita."
The owner is described as a stocky, white man with a bald head. Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101, quoting log number 141 of September 3.
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