A WOMAN who attacked a schoolboy on a bus has avoided jail after she punched a bouncer in the face.
Judge Michael Mettyear told Naomi Hassan, 19, she was "very lucky" not to be going to prison for the unprovoked attack against Rumours Bar door supervisor Sharon Porter.
At the time of the assault, Hassan, of Boothferry Road, Hull, was serving a community order for repeatedly punching a 14-year-old boy in the face, who she wrongly believed had insulted her.
Handing her a suspended sentence, Judge Michael Mettyear said: "Keep behaving this way and you will end up in prison and you won't like it.
"I am going to mark the seriousness of it with a prison sentence but I am going to suspend it. This is to show you cannot do this sort of thing and get away with it, particularly with a record like yours."
Prosecutor Conor Quinn told Hull Crown Court how Hassan punched Ms Porter in the nose and eye as she tried to help colleagues throw Hassan's male friend out of the Hull nightclub.
Ms Porter suffered "gaping cuts" to her face, which needed stitches, as well as a bruised nose and a swollen eye.
Mr Quinn said: "Ms Porter went over to help and saw the defendant.
"The defendant punched her nose and caused her to step back as she tried to eject him from the premises.
"As she turned, she was hit again in the right eye by the defendant."
Hassan, who has bipolar disorder, fled the scene but was identified by police officers, who recognised Hassan from the nightclub's CCTV footage.
Defending Hassan, Charlotte Baines said her client had stopped taking the medication for her condition because of side effects at the time of the attack.
Miss Baines said: "When she saw the injury photographs, she was sick and ashamed by what she saw because her behaviour contributed to the injuries.
"The defendant labours with bipolar. It is a daily battle for her and she has good days and bad days.
"She has some vulnerabilities herself. If she were to be sent to prison immediately, those facets of her character may mean she would struggle more than a normal defendant."
Sentencing Hassan to six months in a youth offending institution, suspended for 18 months, Judge Mettyear said: "It is an absolute disgrace to punch people who are going about their job.
"You have been very, very lucky. Make the most of it."
Hassan was also given a six-month curfew and a 12-month supervision order.
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