Adam Thomas, 21, of Newton Court, east Hull, was fined £600 and had six points put on his licence for driving without insurance. He must pay £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge. There was no separate penalty for driving without a licence.
Lynsey Bartley, 28, of Aberford Walk, east Hull, received a 12-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months for stealing meat worth £36.96 from Marks & Spencer, and an Easter egg, worth £9.99, from Thorntons. She must pay an £80 surcharge.
Caroline Wilson, 39, of Westview, York Road, Shiptonthorpe, was fined £600 and had six points put on her licence for driving without insurance. She must pay £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.
Carley Edeson, 31, of Alexandra Street, west Hull, received an eight-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, for stealing four bedding sets, worth £56, from Primark, and a set of pans, worth £89.99, from TK Maxx. She must comply with a 12-week curfew and be at home between 8pm and 7am.
Max Forman, 22, of St James Court, Lock Keepers Court, Victoria Dock, Hull, was fined £280 and banned from driving for 17 months for drink-driving. He must pay £85 costs and a £28 victim surcharge.
Cameron Gibson, 19, of Valiant Drive, east Hull, was banned from driving for 12 months and must do 80 hours of unpaid work for drink-driving, driving without insurance, taking a vehicle without the owner's consent, and failing to surrender to custody. He must pay £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.
Colin Dawson, 33, of Staveley Road, east Hull, must comply with a 12-month community order, including six months of drug rehabilitation, for stealing jumpers from Matalan.