A giant woolly hat made to launch a charity appeal has been stolen. The hat had decorated a phone box in Marlborough Avenue, west Hull.
It was knitted by a group from Vintage Cafe, Chanterlands Avenue, to promote the Emmaus charity appeal for donations of warm clothing and toiletries for distribution to homeless organisations.
Cafe co-owner Lexi Young said: "It's very disappointing because we received a lot of positive feedback about the hat both locally and even abroad via Facebook and Twitter. We even had a re-tweet from design company in New York.
"Some of our younger members were looking forward to showing off their handiwork to their school friends. In addition one of our ladies has been unwell recently and we hoped that seeing the completed version would have really cheered her up. However, we're not going to let this stop us coming up with something even bigger next time and we are still accepting donations for the appeal."