A RETIRED civil servant from Wetwang claimed nearly £23,000 in benefits, despite living abroad and having a private pension.
Frederick Edmondson, 62, admitted seven counts of benefit fraud.
Bridlington Magistates' Court heard he dishonestly failed to promptly notify East Riding Council and the Department of Work and Pensions of a change in circumstances, which affected his entitlement to housing benefit, council tax benefit and carers allowance.
A joint investigation by the two bodies found Edmondson, of Driffield Road, had been working abroad since March 2009.
He had also been in receipt of a civil service pension since July 2011 and possessed several other bank accounts.
Edmondson was given a 25-week suspended sentence and fined £165.
He was also ordered to repay the £22,935.42 benefit he fraudulently claimed from March 2009 to November 2012.
Richard Johnson, sanctions officer at East Riding Council, said: "It is the public who are ultimately the victims of benefit fraud and those who choose to deliberately commit benefit fraud should be aware that it is only a matter of time before they are brought before the courts."
Anyone who suspects benefit fraud in the East Riding area can call the 24-hour benefit fraud hotline in confidence on (01482) 394949.
Alternatively, text 07786 200850 or email benefit.fraud@eastriding.gov.uk