A MAN walking the country to support a suicide prevention charity saw a woman prepare to jump off as he crossed the Humber Bridge. Colm Farrell, who is nearing the halfway mark on his 5,000-mile trek, watched as police talked the woman out of jumping from the crossing.
He was stopped about 100ft away as emergency services talked to her for two hours.
Mr Farrell, 47, has raised more than £100,000 for anti-suicide charity Console.
He said: "I was just standing there, hoping this woman was not going to end her own life.
"She got hold of the railings. Thank God, I couldn't see what was happening.
"Fair play to the police – I don't know what they said or did but they obviously did a good job."
Mr Farrell, of Tuam in County Galway, Ireland, was inspired to take on his walk after losing friends to suicide.
He has since met and helped others struggling with depression and mental illness along the way.
He said: "My only hope is this person will get proper help now.
"That seems to be the problem – when people attempt to take their own lives there's not always help.
"They put them on medication and send them on their merry way."
A former publican, Mr Farrell has been relying on people's goodwill for a place to stay at night as he walks the country.
In almost a year of travelling, he has only once struggled to find a bed.
He said: "It's been absolutely unbelievable.
"Everywhere I've gone the people have been fantastic.
"But at the end of the day, the reason I'm doing it is to highlight the plight of suicide."
The walker is now in Doncaster, heading towards Leeds, and has 2,900 miles to go.
Console setting up support centresCONSOLE, the suicide prevention charity being supported by Colm Farrell, is already established in Ireland. The support service is now planning to open its first centres in the UK.
Visit justgiving.com/colm-farrell to donate, or text HAZZ 66 followed by an amount in pounds to 70070. Follow Mr Farrrell on twitter @haz66 for updates on his progress.