A BAG thief suspect was handed in to police by his mum after appearing in Caught on Camera.
The man was arrested on suspicion of stealing a woman's bag inside the Lizard Lounge bar in Hull city centre.
He was taken to Clough Road police station by his mum, just hours after his image was included in Monday's Mail.
Mail readers have also named three men suspected of robbing a man outside Pozition nightclub in George Street, city centre.
Detective Sergeant Justin Marrow, of the city's priority crime team, said: "We have had some good results, several people have called in to name the men involved.
"We have also had a man hand himself in over the handbag theft at Lizard Lounge."
The suspected bag thief was one of three men pictured smiling for the bar's photographer, in a picture posted on the Lizard Lounge's Facebook page.
It was taken on the same night a handbag was stolen from a bench in the bar on November 3.
The bag was later found in the toilets by a friend of the victim. It had been emptied of its contents.
The man who handed himself in has since been released on bail.
DS Marrow confirmed the two other people featured in the image were not involved in the theft.
Detectives investigating the attack outside Pozition are now investigating whether the names given to the police are correct.
A man was left with a broken nose after he was elbowed in the face by one of the men who demanded his mobile phone.
The group escaped with his phone.
DS Marrow: "We received several calls with the same names in relation to this, which we will now be investigating."
Detectives are continuing to hunt eight people whose images were featured in Caught on Camera.
They include a man who was part of a gang who assaulted a man and his girlfriend outside The Bank pub in Holderness Road, east Hull.
The woman suffered a broken cheekbone after the couple were attacked from behind at around 11.20pm on October 12.
Do you recognise any of the people pictured? Email ddiv prioritycrimeteam@humberside.pnn.police.uk or call 01482 340629, quoting the image reference or crime number. Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555111.
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