A WOMAN who has plagued a Hull housing estate has been told "clean up your act or clear off". Kelly Williams has been making life a misery for Bransholme residents, with regular complaints of threatening behaviour, bad language and loud noise from her property.
The 37-year-old has also been banned from shopping precinct North Point Centre – less than 100 yards from her front door – for suspected shoplifting.
A huge pile of rubbish in her Roborough Close garden, which has been there "several months", is causing neighbours and shoppers even more distress.
Now, the community has united to send Ms Williams a stark message – "clean up your act or risk getting kicked off the estate".
Local councillor Anita Harrison said: "She is laughing in our faces – both the council and the people of Bransholme. If she doesn't start behaving, she will suffer the consequences. She needs to get a grip or get out."
The dozens of full rubbish bags, including take-away remains, can be smelt several yards away from Williams's terraced council house in Roborough Close.
She was prosecuted at Hull Magistrates' Court for the rubbish on November 22.
Williams was prosecuted for three offences of breaching an abatement notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. She was charged £250 for the initial offence.
It came after Hull City Council's neighbourhood nuisance team received several complaints from local residents. Williams was prosecuted for a similar issue last year. However, after visiting the property, the Mail can reveal the rubbish is still there.
Neville Allison, who has lived in Bransholme for 42 years, said "It is not on. If residents are in council housing and not playing the game, they should be evicted.
"If this is allowed to continue, then things will slip and slide.
"If these people get away with it, then they will continue to do it.
"They think 'this is my house, it is my castle, so I will do what I want with it'. They don't give a damn about others who may live around them.
"It is a strong community here in Bransholme but it is this antisocial behaviour that ruins its reputation."
Phil Webster, councillor for Bransholme West, said: "If she doesn't change her ways I personally will make sure she is removed, because this is absolutely unacceptable. People have to realise they can't behave like this.
"I get lots of complaints about her address and something needs to be done about it as soon as possible. It simply isn't fair on the other people on the estate.
A woman who works on the estate said: "She is causing trouble and we are better off without her."
Another said: "The pile of rubbish is horrible and sets such a bad example to the hundreds of children who have to walk past it every day.
"I reckon it puts people off their shopping, to be honest.
"Something needs to be done about this as soon as possible."
Despite several attempts and visits to the property, the Mail was unable to contact Williams.
In 2009, her former partner Robert Jason Stockman was jailed for nine years for attempted murder after attacking Williams with a hammer.
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