CRIMINALS are being sent Christmas cards by police warning them not to be a "pudding".
Hundreds of cards are being hand-delivered to the most prolific offenders in Hull and the East Riding.
On the front of the card it says: "You don't want to spend Christmas with us".
Inside, it reads: "Thinking of you during the festive season. Don't be a pudding this Christmas! Police will be working as usual over the festive period. If you are caught committing crime we will arrest you – be warned."
The cards are being delivered this week to 500 criminals in East Yorkshire.
Superintendent Darren Downs, who heads operations in the East Riding, said: "To do our bit in keeping you and your family as safe as possible, Operation Yuletide is being launched, which will involve raising the profile of all the main problems the police generally deal with as a result of St Nicholas coming to town.
"Specially worded Christmas cards are being hand-delivered to our most well-known residents.
"It is hoped this gentle reminder at a time of Christmas goodwill will prick their consciences and deter them from ruining someone else's Christmas by their thievery."
Police have previously sent similar cards to criminals in Hull.
It has been considered such a success that it is now being rolled out across the rest of the Humberside Police area.
Officers say the cards will be sent to the small number of criminals who commit most of the crimes.
Detective Superintendent Scott Young, who oversees crime in Hull, said: "Just one of the tactics that we have successfully used in previous years is Christmas cards delivered to our most prolific offenders.
"It is hoped this gentle reminder will make them think twice before ruining someone else's Christmas."
The initiative is part of Operation Yuletide, a month-long campaign to cut crimes that may rise over the festive period.
A spokesman for Humberside Police said: "With specific crimes seeing an increase, special focus will be given to drink-driving, shop theft, handling stolen goods, burglary and drunk and disorderly offences.
"Behind the Christmas theme, Humberside Police aim to inform and educate all of our residents of the dangers of getting too drunk this Christmas and ending up in a brawl, the risk of online fraud and possibly letting their guard down when it comes to home security and leaving Christmas presents under the tree for burglars to pinch."