CHOIR members who have been nominated as official ambassadors for Hull are adding another prestigious venue to their diary.
The Maureen Hunter Singers are not only preparing for their Christmas performance in Hull, but are also gearing up to travel to Cologne Cathedral in Germany.
The group has already been invited to sing at some of the world's best-known venues, including the Vatican, St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, Notre Dame in Paris, Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral and St Mark's Basilica in Venice.
Graham Hunter, who manages the choir, said: "We're coming up to our 30th anniversary in the spring, so next year will be an exciting time.
"We have some major events planned, but I think the highlight of the year will be the performance at Cologne Cathedral in May.
"I've never been myself, but people say it is a wonderful building and I've heard it is the largest Gothic church in northern Europe.
"It was hit by about 14 bombs in the war and still survived almost unscathed."
The choir, which rehearses at Bricknell Avenue Methodist Church in west Hull, has already started working on its repertoire.
Mr Hunter said: "We're doing Happy Wanderer partly in German, partly in English and also Lili Marlene, which is a very famous wartime song.
"It was famous on both sides, so we're doing that one partly in German, too."
The choir has already performed at several prestigious venues across Europe and has received great acclaim wherever its members have sung.
Mr Hunter said: "We're always looking for the next exciting challenge.
"We've sung in several major cathedrals and Cologne was one of the ones on the list, so we set it up."
The choir has been an official ambassador for Hull for some years and members are particularly pleased to be representing the area since it was named City of Culture for 2017.
Mr Hunter said: "We've been ambassadors for the city for a number of years.
"We were presented with a scroll that appoints us as official ambassadors, which was presented by the mayor.
"The civic authorities in Hull have always supported us very well.
"It is exciting that we're going to be showing why we are the City of Culture and taking that culture to the rest of the world."
But before Cologne, the choir will be performing its Christmas Voices And Brass concert next Saturday.
The choir will sing alongside the Superb Hammonds Saltaire Band at Hull City Hall from 7.30pm.
Tickets cost from £7.50 to £13.50 and are available from the box office by calling 01482 300300.