DEATH rates at hospitals in East Yorkshire are higher than expected, according to a new report.
A higher than expected number of patients died after undergoing surgery at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.
Overall death rates at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust have fallen, but remain higher than expected.
The trust was placed into special measures by the Government earlier this year following concerns about the number of people dying in a report by Sir Bruce Keogh.
The figures were revealed in the latest Dr Foster report, which examines death rates at hospitals.
Professor Ian Philip, chief medical officer for Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said the overall number of deaths is lower than expected.
He said: "Over the last few years, the trust has made a concerted effort to improve patient care under the leadership of our frontline health professionals and this is clearly having a positive impact.
"However, the report also suggests the trust has a higher than expected mortality rate in patients with complex illness following surgical procedures and health professionals are now working to understand the data behind this more fully."
Dr James Whittingham, chairman of the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, said: "We have evidence of significant and continuous improvemen in our mortality rate. We still have work to do, as we must continue to deliver all the actions in the Keogh plan."