A DRIVER dubbed "The Wilmington One" has been allowed to return to his job at a waste recycling site after being barred from his workplace.
Trade union shop steward Russell Bowering has worked at the same facility in east Hull for 31 years.
But he was suspended in July after a loading bay wall collapsed at the site in Wilmington.
Despite being subsequently exonerated of any responsibility for the incident, site owners FCC Environment then refused to allow Mr Bowering back onto any of its sites.
The firm said it acted because Mr Bowering had failed to follow agreed accident reporting procedures.
His trade union Unison claimed the company deliberately targeted Mr Bowering because of his role as a shop steward.
That claim has always been denied by FCC.
Now, he has been allowed to resume his job after FCC said it had received "reassurances" from his employer and subcontractor Hargreaves Logistics.
Mr Bowering, who lives in east Hull, was dubbed 'The Wilmington One' by his supporters.
He said: "This campaign has had support from hundreds of trade unionists, members, politicians and members of the public and I would like to thank them all, including the three MPs for Hull and Councillor Phil Webster, who have really helped me.
"I could not have seen this through without the support from Unison and all the other trade unionists who have contacted me and given me their support."
In a statement, FCC Environment said: "The decision follows strict conditions and guarantees from Hargreaves about Mr Bowering's compliance with our health and safety procedures.
"We cannot stress enough how important the health and safety of visitors and personnel at our sites is to all of our operations.
"We require all staff and subcontractors to follow these procedures and invest a considerable amount of time communicating what those procedures are.
"The original ban on Mr Hargreaves working at Wilmington was implemented following serious concerns that our health and safety procedures had not been properly followed.
"Contrary to claims made by Mr Bowering and his trade union Unison, the decision was made purely on health and safety grounds.
"We refute in the strongest possible terms the allegation that we target or blacklist staff for being members of trade unions and have positive and constructive relationships with the unions around the country.
"In fact, our health and safety representative, an FCC Environment employee, at the Wilmington site is the Unison representative."
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