A YOUNG girl from Hull who died from meningitis is believed to have contracted one of the rarest forms of the killer bug. Amber Hardy, nine, died on Friday afternoon, having first become unwell on Thursday morning.
Amber, a pupil at Parkstone Primary School, died from MenC meningitis – a strain she had previously been vaccinated against.
Experts at the Meningitis Research Foundation say Amber's case is an extremely rare one and have reassured her parents they did everything possible to save her.
Linda Glennie, the foundation's head of research and medical information, said: "For the MenC strain, there are only about ten to 30 cases in the UK each year.
"Of these, there have only been two deaths in the past five years. Very few are from vaccination failures – they are often adults who were over 25 when the vaccination was introduced for younger people in 1999 or they were born outside of the UK and moved here later in life, and therefore didn't get a jab either.
"Amber's case is incredibly sad and extremely rare."
Amber, who lived in north Hull with her parents Linda and Darren and younger sister Emily, seven, began to feel unwell on Thursday morning last week and complained to her mum of backache.
As reported in yesterday's Mail, she went to the doctors but was thought to be suffering from a bug or virus. She then started fitting in the early hours of Friday morning.
She was rushed to hospital, but despite attempts by medical experts at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Leeds General Infirmary to save her, Amber lost her battle on Friday afternoon.
Ms Glennie said: "I've been working at the foundation for a long, long time and there used to be a time when, as soon as winter hit, you would hear of tragedy after tragedy.
"But deaths are incredibly rare since the introduction of the vaccination for MenC.
"Amber's family can be reassured they did everything they possibly could."
Amber's dad Darren said the news from Ms Glennie was a "big relief". He told the Mail it was "good to know that it was recognised by experts that we did our best."
As meningitis is a contagious infection, Amber's school has also reassured parents that the people slightly more at risk have already been identified and given antibiotics.
In a letter to parents, headteacher Chris Smith said: "I know the suddenness of this will come as a great shock to many of you and that your thoughts will be with Amber's family.
"I know many of you have already expressed a desire to do something and it goes without saying that we will, of course, be speaking to her family to find out what they would appreciate.
"We are putting together a book of condolence for the family and if anyone would like to contribute, please write your message and thoughts on an A5 piece of paper and hand it in at the school office."
Amber's funeral will be held on Monday, November 25, at 1.45pm at Chanterlands Avenue Crematorium.
In lieu of flowers, the family have requested donations to Parkstone Primary School and Oakwood Dog Rescue.
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