A garden centre and 70 homes could be built in Welton under proposals that could create 80 jobs. Humber Growers has submitted outline plans for the garden centre and homes on land off Common Lane.
In the planning statement, the applicant says: "As well as providing much-needed housing, the scheme will also provide a significant employment opportunity for the local community. The proposals include a garden centre, which will provide a significant amount of employment. It is estimated that in the region of 80 jobs could be created which would be a mix of part-time and full-time positions. It would also provide a local facility and have wider benefits for the local economy."
The garden centre would comprise a main retail building around 1,200 square metres with a display and growing area and car parking. The proposed housing development would comprise a mix of dwellings and would include affordable housing.
East Riding Council's planning committee will consider the application in December.
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