TAXI drivers came to the rescue of two women who jumped into Hull's Princes Dock after a night out. The women are believed to have been at a freshers' party at Sugar Mill nightclub in Dagger Lane, organised for students starting college and university in the city.
One of the women, who was 25, had been drinking and jumped into the water, close to the Sugar Mill nightclub in Princes Dock Side, shortly before 3.30am yesterday morning. Her friend is then believed to have jumped into the water to save her.
Emergency services, including police, fire and ambulance, were called to the scene. But the two women had already been pulled to safety by taxi drivers who had spotted them in the water.
Now, Sergeant Ian Goode, of Humberside Police, is urging party-goers to take more responsibility for their actions.
He said: "The police and operators within the city centre make a significant contribution to keeping our town centres safe so people can enjoy a good night out.
"However we, along with other emergency services, find ourselves regularly called to care for people who, through drinking too much, have made themselves vulnerable and more likely to be injured or become a victim of crime."
Sgt Goode is appealing to revellers not to drink to excess when on a night out.
He said: "While we will always take the necessary steps to respond appropriately, people need to take greater responsibility for themselves and their friends to avoid the likelihood of those things happening.
"We would urge people not to be a drain on both police and NHS time because they have had too much to drink, but to behave in a responsible way and drink sensibly."
The 25-year-old woman and her friend were treated by paramedics at the scene. They were then taken to Hull Royal Infirmary as a precaution.
A Yorkshire Ambulance spokesman said: "We received a call at 3.27am on Tuesday to reports of a female in the water, close to the Sugar Mill nightclub in Dagger Lane.
"An ambulance was sent to the scene and two patients were taken to Hull Royal Infirmary to be checked over by staff."
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