A STUDENT was caught by CCTV operators sexually assaulting a drunken girl passed out in the street. Kesupile K Kesupile, 18, targeted the girl as she lay drunk in the road in Bond Street, Hull city centre.
He was seen by CCTV operators trying to wake the 17-year-old schoolgirl but then lifted the unconscious girl's dress to assault her.
Kesupile, of Oakfield Court, Cottingham, believed no one was watching him when the incident happened at 2.37am on July 12. But shocked CCTV operators called the police and he was arrested at the scene.
When the girl came to, she asked police not to arrest him because she had not realised what he had done to her.
Judge Jeremy Richardson QC told Kesupile: "It is filthy, appalling conduct and you deserve to go to prison for taking advantage of an unconscious, drunken girl."
Kesupile, due to start university next week, pleaded guilty at Hull Crown Court to sexual assault.
Prosecutor Jharna Jobes said: "They were both in a taxi and it stopped in Bond Street and there was an argument over the fare between the taxi driver and the defendant. The girl had too much to drink and was in the back and did not take part in the argument.
"The defendant ran off and returned and paid the driver and he helped the complainant out of the taxi. The complainant was clearly very, very drunk and she could not stand up. The defendant was lying by her with his head near to her face. He was trying to wake her up and hit her face."
Kesupile then sexually assaulted her twice. On his arrest, Kesupile told the police he was "horrified" by his actions and has written a letter of apology to the victim.
Judge Richardson QC has given him a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.
He told Kesupile: "She was inebriated to the point where she could not stand up. You got out of the taxi and, while she was on the pavement, seemingly unconscious, you took advantage of her.
"At first, you were trying to help her but then you took advantage of her. Your conduct can only be described as appalling. You deserve to be punished and to go to prison.
"One can only imagine how degraded she must have felt when she heard about what you had done when she was violated in that filthy way by you.
"You must sign the Sex Offenders' Register and that will remind you not to behave like this ever again."
He has been ordered to sign the sex Offenders' Register for seven years.
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