A MAN who sexually assaulted a woman following a house party has avoided jail.
Abbas Ahmadi, 29, sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman who fell asleep at his house after the party.
She had spent time at his property dancing and drinking with other people.
When everyone had left, the woman was asleep on a sofa when she awoke to find him placing a duvet over her and assaulting her.
The victim immediately left the flat and called the police.
Ahmadi was arrested at 4am the same morning and replied "no comment" to questions asked of him in his police interview.
The girl's clothing was sent for forensic testing and his DNA was found on her underwear.
When he was re-interviewed by the police, Ahmadi told them: "I thought we were getting on well."
Ahmadi, of Bathurst Street, west Hull, pleaded guilty at Hull Crown Court to sexual assault.
His barrister, Patrick Palmer, said: "He is unlikely to offend again. He has found the court process a considerable punishment and has been very, very concerned. He is very remorseful about what happened.
"He didn't intend to cause her any distress. There was no premeditation to commit a sexual offence."
Judge Michael Mettyear, Honorary Recorder of Hull and the East Riding, told Ahmadi it must have been "distressing" for his victim.
The judge said: "This young lady was very distressed by what you did. You had been drinking, as had others, and you were hoping that you might get some sexual gratification from her, so you touched her. You should not have done so.
"However, it is to your credit that the moment she protested you stopped.
"It helps that you have not been in trouble for anything like this before and by your plea of guilty.
"In the end, your plea of guilty just saves you from a custodial sentence.
"The pre-sentence report says you are a low risk for the future and that the risk that you pose can be managed in the community. You have wasted a lot of public money by falsely saying you were not guilty. I am going to order you to pay towards the court costs."
Ahmadi was given a 12-month community order and six months' supervision by the Probation Service.
He was ordered to sign the sex offenders register for five years and will have to pay £250 court costs.
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