SHE caused outrage with her raunchy performance at the MTV Video Music Awards.
But Miley Cyrus's biggest fan is refusing to turn his back on her.
Carl McCoid, 39, credits the popstar with helping him through his divorce and has covered his body with 19 tattoos of the singer as a mark of his devotion.
Despite the widespread criticism, the super fan, of Bridlington, says his passion for the singer is as strong as ever, with tattoos number 20, 21 and 22 on the way when the singer releases her next album in October.
"I don't like the criticism she is getting," he said.
"She doesn't deserve it. It is all part of her comeback.
"People expect her to still be Hannah Montana and say she will never grow up and always be that young image.
"Hannah Montana isn't Miley. Miley is being true to herself now."
In her performance, the 20-year-old stripped down to a flesh-coloured latex bikini and performed suggestive moves, which have angered and bemused celebrities and parents.
"I watched it live and have been watching reruns since," he said.
"I can't stop watching it.
"She is just being true to herself."
Mr McCoid, who has spent more than £1,500 on tattoos, first heard Miley Cyrus, the former star of US TV show Hannah Montana, on Radio 1 in 2009 and was hooked straight away.
Although he bought the CDs, his obsession and the tattoos did not start until he started going through his divorce in 2011.
"The obsession really kicked in during the divorce," he said.
"It kept me in a bubble and stopped me about thinking about the divorce.
"The obsession has got stronger and stronger and through it I have also met a lot of good friends."
His obsession has led to worldwide stardom and he has featured on radio stations and TV programmes in the US and Germany.
He also has more than 6,200 Twitter followers.
He has featured on Channel 4's Cutting Edge documentary about tattoos and TV's Never Mind The Buzzcocks, in which celebrity contestants such as Phill Jupitus, Noel Fielding and Kathy Burke had to guess from a line of guests who the Miley Cyrus fan with tattoos was.
News of Mr McCoid's dedication has also made its way back to Miley.
In a recent radio interview in London she made reference to Mr McCoid, as the guy who has tattoos of her.
"There's a dude who holds the record for the most pictures of my face," she said.
"They're really ugly tattoos. He's got to restart another sleeve with my new look." (A comment referring to a new haircut).
He said: "I was emotionally knocked out when I was told she had made reference to me.
"She gave me a couple of seconds of her mind.
"I think the reason she didn't like the tattoos is because she hated her long hair and the tattoos are of her with long her."
Mr McCoid has vowed to continue showing his dedication to Miley, and plans to have further tattoos when the singer releases her new album Bangerz in October.
He said: "I can't wait for the new album to come out.
"The 20th tattoo could be her new album cover and I might have one done of a new facial picture of her and maybe a few lyrics from her new album.
"I might also get one done when she celebrates her 21st birthday in November.
"People still ask why, but it's now more of a cult status and I feel a bit like a local celebrity.
"My tattoos are a talking point for people and nowadays all I get is a good reaction.
"I do ask myself 'what is with the obsession?' and I really don't know the answer.
"I'm not stalking her, it is something I keep to myself and something that is personal to me."
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