A CRACKDOWN on pupils going on holiday during term-time has seen twice as many East Riding parents fined.
More than 850 parents have been issued with £50 penalty notices in the past school year – up from 433 in 2010/11, when get-tough measures were brought in by East Riding Council.
The authority, which once had the worst term-time holiday rate in the country, has also slashed the number of school days lost for holidays by more than 60,000 – from more than 90,000 days in 2006-07 to fewer than 30,000 days in 2011-12.
From September, a clampdown by the Government will see £50 fines increase to £60.
New legislation will also mean headteachers will no longer be able to authorise pupil absence purely for a term-time holiday.
John Killeen, branch spokesman for the National Association of Headteachers, said: "It is now out of schools' hands – the Government is saying 'no' to term-time holidays.
"They do have this clause that under exceptional circumstances the headteacher may grant it, which puts us in an invidious position where some parents will still try to make a case to take their child out of school.
"But the message now is 'no holidays in term time'."
Mr Killeen, who is the head of South Cave Primary, said: "Educationally, I agree with the clampdown. We want children in school and they can't learn if they are not in class.
"But until someone sorts out the inflated prices being charged in school holidays by the holiday companies, this will penalise poorer families."
Councillor Kerri Harold, chairman of the council's children and young people scrutiny committee, said: "There has been a culture change. Parents were used to being able to take their children out of school for family holidays if they wanted.
"Now, the Government and local authorities have clamped down, which has to be welcomed because the more children are in school, the better chance they have of improving their attainment and life chances.
"But what does pain me is when I hear of families who can't afford to go away during the school holidays because the prices are hiked by the holiday companies."
Mother of three Caroline Woolfitt, from Beverley, said: "It's crazy, every school has a wind-down period at the end of term when children aren't having normal lessons, they could allow some discretion.
"I have three children and the price difference at school holiday times is huge.
"I have never taken them out because you are not supposed to but it's frustrating and very costly having to pay peak prices."
Although numbers of penalty notice fines has risen in the East Riding, the number of requests for term-time holidays has reduced.
Numbers taken to court for failing to pay have doubled, from 11 in 2010-11 to 22 last school year.
Samantha Tomkins, principal education welfare officer, said: "With the new legislation, we wish to continue the trend to increase attendance and achievement."