A FRUSTRATED taxi driver says council red tape is threatening to strangle the livelihoods of colleagues in Hull.
Private hire driver Terry Chester believes councillors should consider relaxing licensing rules because of the state of the economy.
He says many drivers are struggling to make ends meet because of the costs associated with various licensing requirements set by the council.
Mr Chester, who has been a private hire driver for 12 years, said: "It's getting harder and harder to earn a living.
"What I would like to see is a bit of leeway from the council.
"Instead, we are stuck with a set of rules and regulations that haven't really changed for decades."
Mr Chester, 58, who drives for Sutton Cars, said a rule he would like to see abolished is the one that limits the use of a private hire vehicle to the licensed driver.
"In my case, it means my wife can't drive the car when I'm not working.
"As a result, we have to run two cars, which these days is a very expensive business."
Mr Chester said the council's rule that all private hire cars must be less than eight years old was also too draconian.
"I know other places operate a 12-year rule," he said.
"If you maintain your vehicle properly, having a car that's over eight years old is not a problem.
"Instead, having to replace a perfectly good vehicle is another cost we could do without."
He said a private hire driver should also be given a place on the council's licensing committee.
But Councillor Sean Chaytor, the deputy chairman of Hull City Council's licensing committee, said regulations relating to private hire and hackney carriage drivers were reviewed on an annual basis.
He said: "Case law on the legislation regulating taxi licensing states that a private hire vehicle is always a private hire vehicle while it is licensed, and must be driven by a person holding a private hire driver's licence issued by the same local authority.
"Therefore, if the spouse or partner of the licensed driver wishes to drive the vehicle, for whatever reason, they must, by law, also hold a full private hire driver's licence."
Cllr Chaytor said the eight-year rule was reviewed as recently as last April.
He said: "Members decided the current condition relating to the eight-year age limit for private hire vehicles licensed by the authority should be retained.
"This was to ensure the travelling public are carried in vehicles that are safe, having regard to the potential mileage and the likely appearance and condition of a vehicle that is used for private hire work after that period of continued use."